"Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery."




TOSP is a mutator for Tactical-Ops: Assault on Terror. It adds a single player campaign to the game that places the player in tactical missions against hordes of enemies.

IMPORTANT: You must match your version of TOSP with your version of Tactical-Ops. See lower down this page for details.


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User Guide
Misc Information



The Tactical-Ops: Single Player mutators comes in five versions. Which one you require depends on the version of Tactical-Ops that you are currently running.

If you are running the Retail version under Windows, and patched with the 3.5 Community Patch, get the TOSPv1.2b.exe (954 kb) automatic installer. If you're unsure which file to get, this is most likely the one you will want.

If you are running the Retail version under linux or Macintosh, and patched with the 3.5 Community Patch, get the TOSPv1.2b.zip (1291 kb) manual installer.

If you are running the Retail version under Windows, and patched to 3.4, get the TOSPv1.1b.exe (1273 kb) automatic installer.

If you are running the Retail version under linux or Macintosh, and patched to 3.4, get the TOSPv1.1b.zip (1263 kb) manual installer.

If you are running the Mod version (which required Unreal Tournament), get the old TOSPv1.0.zip (1257 kb) manual installer. This will required that your version be patched to 3.3.2.

The TOSP mod is also included in the AIM-IT Xmas mappack, which is composed of two mutators and 20 maps - AIM-IT Xmas mappack page



If you downloaded the automatic installer, you simply have to run the program. It will ask you where you want to install TOSP. If all works well, it should already have detected the location of your Tactical-Ops installation. If not, correct it and the install will proceed. If you are upgrading from TOSP v1.0, the installer will ask you if you want to keep your old progress file. Once the installation is complete, you can run TOSP from the Start Menu or from the Mod Menu of Tactical-Ops.

The manual installer will require a bit more work. You will need to extract the .zip into your Tactical-Ops installation folder. For example, if you installed Tactical-Ops to C:\Program Files\Infograme\Tactical Ops\, you would extract the files to that folder. Be sure to use the option 'Use Folder Names' when extracting, or the files will not go to the proper location. Note that if you are upgrading from TOSP v1.1b, you should NOT overwrite your current TO_SinglePlayer.ini file: if you do, you will lose all progress that you have made in the game so far.

If you have the mod version of Tactical-Ops, you have to extract the files to your Unreal Tournament installation folder. However, only missions 1 to 4 are available to users of the mod version of Tactical-Ops.

Once the files have been extracted, the Start Single Player Game menu entry will appear in the Mod Menu of Tactical-Ops.


User Guide

To start a single player game, open Tactical-Ops and go to the mod menu.

Image of the Mod Menu
The Mod Menu

If the Start Single Player Game menu item does not show up in the mod menu (or if the mod menu is missing altogether), you most probably missinstalled the mod. See the troubleshooting section for more information.

When you select the Start Single Player Game item, you are presented with this dialog:

The Start Single Player Game dialog

Just select a play mode (Easy or Normal -- More are available once you have completed all missions) and click Start. Once you finished a few missions, you can select which mission you want to play from this screen.


The Scores tab

From the Scores tab you can see how well you did in every mission you have beaten. This screen also displays whatever medals you might have won on these missions. Can you beat the TO Team time for every mission?


The Options tab

From the Options tab you can choose various options that affect the game.

When you check 'Display remaining times for medal', and indicator is displayed in game that tells you how much time remains to get a gold, silver or bronze medal. In hostage rescue scenarios, it tells you how many hostages need to be rescued to get a medal.

When you select the 'Display accuracy' setting, and indicator is displayed in game that tells you how accurate you are when shooting.

If you select the third option, an exact count of how many enemies are in the level and how many are still alive is displayed on the Mission Status screen (instead of the estimated count).


When you start a mission, you are first presented with a few paragraphs of text that tell you what you have to do in that mission. If you wish to reread it once you have closed it, just hit the 'Server Info' button, which is bound to F2 by default.

Here is what you see when playing the game:

The game interface
(click to enlarge)

As you can see, the interface for the Single Player mode is very similar to the one found in normal Tactical-Ops games. However, the scoreboard has been replaced with a Single Player specific screen that tells you the status of the mission -- who died, how well your character is doing and how accurate your shooting is.

Once you finished the mission objectives, you will be presented a status screen that tells you how well you did on the mission. This will also grant you access to the next mission.



Q I can't see the Start Single Player menu item! What do I do?

A If, upon installation, the Start Single Player menu item does not show up in the mod menu, it means that you extracted the files at the wrong places. Supposing that you installed Tactical-Ops to C:\Program Files\Infograme\Tactical Ops\, the files should be put in the following folders:

TO_SinglePlayer.ini, TO_SinglePlayer.u and TO_SinglePlayer.int go in C:\Program Files\Infograme\Tactical Ops\System (NOT \Tactical Ops\TacticalOps\System !!)

SPEndMap.unr goes in C:\Program Files\Infograme\Tactical Ops\TacticalOps\Maps.


Q When I click on Start Single Player Game, nothing happens! Why is that?

A Chances are, you have the wrong version installed. Look in the upper-right corner of your screen to see which version of Tactical-Ops you are running. If you are running the 3.3.2 version, you need to either use the Mod Version of TOSP, or upgrade your Tactical-Ops version to 3.4. See this page for more information. If you are running the 3.4 version, you will need to update your version of TOSP to v1.1b. If you are running the 3.5 or 3.5.5 version, you will need to update your version of TOSP to v1.2. See the download section for download links.


Q Whenever I complete the first mission, the game says I have cheated, even though I did not! Why?

A Go to the Tactical-Ops Preferences, to the Game tab and make sure that the game speed is set to 100 %.


Q Tactical-Ops crashes when I start the 'Thunderball' mission. What's going on?

A There was a bug in the 1.2 version of TOSP. Upgrade to 1.2b.


Q I can't finish the 'Thunderball' mission, the enemies are too tough!

A You do not need to attack anyone in Thunderball: you simply need to figure the correct path out of the maze and run for it. Here's a graphical walkthrough if you can't figure it out.



EMH_Mark3 - Code
ScHlAuChi - Missions
Tomato_Paste - Story
Raptor-- - Beta Testing
Guybrush - Beta Testing

Special Thanks To:

RV52 - Beta Testing
Nassau - Allowed modifications to Omega
And the entire TO Team and TO Community :)


Misc Information

Should you need to, you can contact me at emhmark3@tactical-ops.to

You can visit my website for a short summary of the development of TOSP


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Last updated August 11, 2005